Long-form Writing Examples

  • Body Talk

    Energy Medicine: BodyTalk

    < Example: Article for Wise Mom Newsletter >

    I wrote this article for the Holistic Moms Network newsletter, “Wise Mom.” It brings awareness to the energy healing of body talk. I explain my personal experience with a practitioner, Jeannie Elmstrom.

  • Email featuring GT's Living Foods' new yoga mat for International Yoga Day 2019

    Breathe In, Breathe Out

    < Example: Email for GT’s Living Foods >

    This consumer-facing email went out for International Yoga Day 2019. It features Youtube superstar yogi Adrienne Mishler while promoting GT's Living Foods' new yoga mat with a giveaway.

  • GT's Living Foods' email to close out the year 2019 and say hello to 2020

    Happy New Year!

    < Example: Email for GT’s Living Foods >

    This consumer-facing email was sent from GT’s Living Foods to close out 2019 and say hello to 2020. We started with a letter from GT Dave, the Founder of GT’s Living Foods, reflected on the highlights of 2019, and teased what was to come in 2020.

  • The Gift of Gratitude

    < Example: Email for GT’s Living Foods >

    This consumer-facing email was sent from GT’s Living Foods to feature the Fall Seasonal Kombucha flavor Living In Gratitude and the partnered giveaway with the Los Angeles-based House of Intuition.

    We also featured the fans who supported the philanthropic efforts of Living in Gratitude and helped donate meals to those in need.

  • Sarah Rosa meets Scott Stratten

    Anyone Can Be Cool, But Awesome Takes Practice

    < Example: Sarah’s Personal Blog >

    I wrote this blog post to recap meeting one of my content and marketing idols, Scott Stratten, at a Linked Orange County event.

  • Documenting my kombucha home brew

    Home Brew Kombucha DAY 27: Bottling and New Brew

    < Example: Sarah’s Personal Blog >

    I was obsessed with kombucha and wanted to perfect the amount of fizz and flavor to my specific taste. It turns out Ginger Habanero kombucha is fantastic! I wrote this blog post series to document my journey with making kombucha at home.