Long-form Writing Examples
Energy Medicine: BodyTalk
< Example: Article for Wise Mom Newsletter >
I wrote this article for the Holistic Moms Network newsletter, “Wise Mom.” It brings awareness to the energy healing of body talk. I explain my personal experience with a practitioner, Jeannie Elmstrom.
Breathe In, Breathe Out
< Example: Email for GT’s Living Foods >
This consumer-facing email went out for International Yoga Day 2019. It features Youtube superstar yogi Adrienne Mishler while promoting GT's Living Foods' new yoga mat with a giveaway.
Happy New Year!
< Example: Email for GT’s Living Foods >
This consumer-facing email was sent from GT’s Living Foods to close out 2019 and say hello to 2020. We started with a letter from GT Dave, the Founder of GT’s Living Foods, reflected on the highlights of 2019, and teased what was to come in 2020.
The Gift of Gratitude
< Example: Email for GT’s Living Foods >
This consumer-facing email was sent from GT’s Living Foods to feature the Fall Seasonal Kombucha flavor Living In Gratitude and the partnered giveaway with the Los Angeles-based House of Intuition.
We also featured the fans who supported the philanthropic efforts of Living in Gratitude and helped donate meals to those in need.
Anyone Can Be Cool, But Awesome Takes Practice
< Example: Sarah’s Personal Blog >
I wrote this blog post to recap meeting one of my content and marketing idols, Scott Stratten, at a Linked Orange County event.
Home Brew Kombucha DAY 27: Bottling and New Brew
< Example: Sarah’s Personal Blog >
I was obsessed with kombucha and wanted to perfect the amount of fizz and flavor to my specific taste. It turns out Ginger Habanero kombucha is fantastic! I wrote this blog post series to document my journey with making kombucha at home.